COVID-19 and impact on financing for HIV, health and inclusive SDGs

30 June 2020

Global round table to exchange on the impact of COVID-19 on financing and implications for HIV and Health, equity and progress towards inclusive SDGs. The panelists engaged in a forward-looking conversation about how the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons from the AIDS response are prompting us to rethink and transform global partnerships and financing for development, address inequities, gaps and challenges.


  • Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, UNAIDS
  • Raymond Yekeye, Chair, National AIDS Council, Zimbabwe
  • Alessandra Nilo, Co-founder and Executive Director, GESTOS, Brazil
  • Stéphanie Seydoux, Ambassador for Global Health, France
  • Masood Ahmed, President, Center for Global Development


Moderator: Stefano Bertozzi, Dean Emeritus, UC Berkeley